June 27, 2015

In the Zone and Living Well

Next week I will return to the Great Divide bicycle route with my friend Shawn Sheppard and Andrew to bikepack 240 miles, or so, from SteamBoat Springs to Salida Colorado. This is my first trip back to the Great Divide Route since 2011, when I entered the Tour Divide race from Banff Canada to Antelope Wells, New Mexico.

We will drive two days to Steam Boat, then start riding along the route and meet my wife, daughters and niece in Salida 5 days later. Once reconnected with family, I will stay in Colorado a few more days and see more of the state, while Shawn and Andrew will travel back to Steamboat, get the truck and head back east.

My preparations have been minimal, but adequate, and my equipment is dialed in based on my 2011 TDR experience. We will take plenty of pictures and provide updates as technology allows.